The Daily Archetype

#52. Conserving the story of liberalism: discussion with Jane Gatsby, McCall Jones, Jack Burton and myself.

Isaac J. Miller / Jane Gatsby / McCall Jones / Jack Burton Season 1 Episode 52

Jane is an objectivist, critical realist, complexity theorist, and the latest member of the IDW; trying to develop a philosophy to fix the world!

the interview Jack was talking about

If you want to see the interview in raw zoom call video form:

McCall Jones specializes in international relations and foreign policy. He teaches negotiations a Taiwanese university.

This is his consulting agency:

From Jack's group:
"Greetings, fellow Classical Liberals. My name is Jack Burton and I live in Columbus, Ohio. It has grown ever clearer that the United States is closing in on an event horizon that will extinguish the final beacon of liberty and individualism in the present world. I seek, with every bit of my time, every dollar to my name, and every drop of blood in my vein, to fight this seemingly inevitable outcome.

In the great ideological battle, we have about 5 weapons in our arsenal. Our opponent has 5,000. Our arsenal consists of the AM band of the radio, a couple of news outlets, and a few stars on the internet. However… our opponents dictate the narrative in mainstream news, our opponents use entertainment to sway the opinions of the apolitical masses, our opponents maintain a monopoly over indoctrinating children, our opponents use computer learning technology to stifle our reach on social media, and our opponents have become the gatekeepers of the internet and decide whose arguments go viral and whose arguments are diminished. They are the New York Yankees with Jeff Bezos’ money.

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The clip from  Yuval Noah Harari

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Music (Three kinds of Sun) by Norma Rockwell and the theme by studio star gazer, with voices by:  Eli Harris, Katrice Beal, Annie Phung and Allison Drew (not in that order). 

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