The Daily Archetype

#54. Jade Sobanski Expounding on rule 3 with: how to have friends that want the best for you!

Isaac J. Miller / Jade Sobanski Season 1 Episode 54

Some of Jade's info:

If you want to see the interview in raw zoom call video form:

“Sometimes, when people have a low opinion of their own worth—or, perhaps, when they refuse responsibility for their lives—they choose a new acquaintance, of precisely the type who proved troublesome in the past. Such people don’t believe that they deserve any better—so they don’t go looking for it. Or, perhaps, they don’t want the trouble of better. Freud called this a “repetition compulsion.” He thought of it as an unconscious drive to repeat the horrors of the past—sometimes, perhaps, to formulate those horrors more precisely, sometimes to attempt more active mastery and sometimes, perhaps, because no alternatives beckon. People create their worlds with the tools they have directly at hand. Faulty tools produce faulty results. Repeated use of the same faulty tools produces the same faulty results. It is in this manner that those who fail to learn from the past doom themselves to repeat it. It’s partly fate. It’s partly inability. It’s partly ... unwillingness to learn? Refusal to learn? Motivated refusal to learn?”
Jordan Peterson

“Schadenfreude, the experience of pleasure in the pain of other people, is distinctly related to envy, as several studies have demonstrated. When we envy someone, we are prone to feel excitement, even joy, if they experience a setback or suffer in some way. But it would be wise to practice instead the opposite, what the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche called Mitfreude—“joying with.” As he wrote, “The serpent that stings us means to hurt us and rejoices as it does so; the lowest animal can imagine the pain of others. But to imagine the joy of others and to rejoice at it is the highest privilege of the highest animals.”
The Laws of Human Nature
Robert Greene

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Music (Three kinds of Sun) by Norma Rockwell and the theme by studio star gazer, with voices by:  Eli Harris, Katrice Beal, Annie Phung and Allison Drew (not in that order). 

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