The Daily Archetype
The Daily Archetype
#60. Synchronicity and Wholeness with physics educator, Sky Nelson-Isaacs.
SKY NELSON-ISAACS is a physics educator, speaker, author, and musician. He has a masters degree in physics from San Francisco State University, with a thesis in String Theory, and a BS in physics from UC Berkeley. Nelson-Isaacs has dedicated his life to finding his own sense of purpose, beginning as a student of the Yogic master Sri Swami Satchidananda when he was less than five years old. His writing on topics like flow comes from integrating this experience into his life. He brings together the connection between synchronicity, physics, and real life using research and original ideas. An educator with nine years of classroom experience, Nelson-Isaacs is also a multi-instrumentalist and professional performer of award-winning original musical compositions.
The video of our call
Facebook: bit.ly/SkyNelson-Isaacs
Website: bit.ly/Livinginflow_
Twitter: bit.ly/TweetSkyNelson
Instagram: bit.ly/Sky-IG
Goodreads: bit.ly/Skysprofile
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This one I will be adding a reading to for the podcast this month:
This is the highly controversial call where I didn't know I was dealing with a fascist online cult leader of the properterians til about 2 hours into the call... it will still need a lot more editing, but for now I just cut out some propaganda and left in the controversial ending. (this one is unlisted for now).
This one had some tech issues, so we have to re-record, but here's a little preview:
Music (Three kinds of Sun) by Norma Rockwell and the theme by studio star gazer, with voices by: Eli Harris, Katrice Beal, Annie Phung and Allison Drew (not in that order).
If interested in helping with the production or to become a guest, please send an email to dailyarchetype@gmail.com
Support on Venmo @isaac-Miller-83