The Daily Archetype
The Daily Archetype
#62. Jade Sobanski discussing The Divided Brain Documentary by Iain McGilchrist.
Jade and I discuss "The Divided Brain Documentary
THE DIVIDED BRAIN is the mind-altering documentary inspired by the book, “The Master and his Emissary” by Iain McGilchrist. It features Iain McGilchrist with actor-comedian John Cleese of “Monty Python”, neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor of TED Talks fame, pioneering neuroscientist Dr. Michael Gazzaniga, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, neuroscientist Jurg Kesselring, Aboriginal elder and scientist Dr. Leroy Little Bear, neuroscientist Onur Güntürkün, and – brains!"
The podcast clip we discussed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcthCcEHmAc
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This one I will be adding a reading to for the podcast this month:
Music (Three kinds of Sun) by Norma Rockwell and the theme by studio star gazer, with voices by: Eli Harris, Katrice Beal, Annie Phung and Allison Drew (not in that order).
If interested in helping with the production or to become a guest, please send an email to dailyarchetype@gmail.com
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