The Daily Archetype
The Daily Archetype
#67. Brandon Hayes and James show us why it's so hard to talk to dishonest fascists.
There's so much to get into with the couture wars and all the damage caused by dishonest extremists on every side of this toxic debate. There are types of racial discrimination that we can discuss but these trolls refuse to discuss honestly. I gave them the floor for about two hours to do so and they didn't get anywhere. I left some links below to more info. I would love to get more into this important issue carefully if anyone would like to do so honestly.
Here is more info on what happened when I recorded this in April and some of the background.
The main clip in this bonus was from last year, https://www.buzzsprout.com/1231739/7011202 and was originally recorded on Boonn's podcast Far Out Wisdom.
If you are considering to accuse me of something I didn't say or do, please read this first,
And watch,
This was an interview with David Fuller from Rebel wisdom where you can see Brandon doing exactly as we warned against, drop buzz words, big names, say big sounding ideas, complain about something everyone can have issue with like political lairs then insert fundamentalist ideology while denying it.
They do the same thing even with themselves, it’s the ideology that takes over and they become only a conduit for that,
This is the podcast they did that I took that clip from at the end of this bonus episode,
You are free to view the cult information on their website about white separatism and other horrible ideas I don't want to spend much more time on.
April was discussing what the propertarian leader did last summer than caused them to start falling apart. Anyone in the conversation who hasn’t gotten seduced, has caught onto their circular code language. It’s hard to find videos on YouTube about it because they get banned or shadow banned, but it was mainly this,
If you want to learn more about the deceptive ways cult movements work, I recommend this short work by Carl Jung:
Here's a couple quotes from another important book on the subject,
“This is Rank’s devastating Kierkegaardian conclusion: if neurosis is sin, and not disease, then the only thing which can “cure” it is a world-view, some kind of affirmative collective ideology in which the person can perform the living drama of his acceptance as a creature. Only in this way can the neurotic come out of his isolation to become part of such a larger and higher wholeness as religion has always represented.”
Ernest Becker
“Man is a “theological being,” concludes Rank, and not a biological one. In all this it is as though Tillich were speaking and, behind him, Kierkegaard and Augustine; but what makes it uncanny in the present world of science is that these are the conclusions of the life-work of a psychoanalyst, not a theologian.”
The Denial of Death
Ernest Becker