The Daily Archetype
The Daily Archetype
#71. Exploring Carl Jung’s god image, with Sanjana Singh (knowing vs. believing).
https://youtu.be/Fx0G6DHMfXM (Jaron on Lexcast)
“One of the social media companies bought this little company called Oculus for two billion dollars.
Waaaaiiit whaaaat? Two billion for a VR company that hadn’t shipped yet? Wow, the future sounds like paradise. And what’s a social media company?
Oh, that’s a corporation people use to communicate with each other and keep personal remembrances, and there are algorithms that model the people so offers can be targeted; these companies can make people sadder or more likely to vote by tweaking the algorithms. They’re the center of a lot of people’s lives.
But, but, combining that with VR would be like a Philip K. Dick novel. Oh my, the future sounds like hell.
It’s both paradise and hell.
But bright, rebellious young people wouldn’t want to be running their lives through a corporation’s computer …
Weirdly, the new generation gap is—supposedly—that young people are more comfortable with corporations running digital society.”
Jaron Lanier in dialogue with his younger self in,
Dawn of the New Everything: Encounters with Reality and Virtual Reality
Very relevant to our present times.
(this was published 4 years ago shortly after oculus got zuckafied)
“Whoever knows God has an effect on him. The failure of the attempt to corrupt Job has changed Yahweh’s nature.
Answer to Job
“Agnosticism maintains that it does not possess any knowledge of God or of anything metaphysical, overlooking the fact that one never possesses a metaphysical belief but is possessed by it. ”
From Answer to Job
C. G. Jung
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Music (Three kinds of Sun) by Norma Rockwell and the theme by studio star gazer, with voices by: Eli Harris, Katrice Beal, Annie Phung and Allison Drew (not in that order).